Village Resource Personnel Demands Permanency at Islampur

By Dipankar Dey (TNI Islampur) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Islampur 24th July, 2017: The Village Resource Personnel today organized an agitation in front of the BDO Office and Panchayat Office of Islampur. They were demanding work for them immediately because currently, there is an uncertainty for their works at the moment.
Previously, they were employed in surveys on the assessment of outcome for the various Central and State Government schemes. In the last financial year i.e. 15-16 they have received only 13 days of work. They had submitted a 7 demand list to the BDO and Panchayat Samity. In the demand the important ones are Permanency of the workers, 22 Days work for every month along with appointment letter.
Photos: Dipankar Dey (TNI)